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Third Party Fundraising

  1. Organizers must complete and sign Third Party Agreement (to be distributed once proposal form is approved). 
  2. Third party events must be in line with our mission.
  3. All promotional materials must clearly state the percentage of proceeds that will benefit the Pride Center of WNY.
  4. The use of our logo and name on any promotional materials (e.g., press releases, fliers, invitations, websites, letters, etc.) must be reviewed and approved by a staff member to verify accuracy.
  5. The Pride Center of WNY must receive a list of targeted sponsors for the event before they are approached to minimize any overlap with other Pride Center of WNY events and/or fundraising campaigns that may be underway. To protect our donors’ privacy, the Pride Center of WNY will not provide donor or sponsor lists, nor will we solicit sponsorship revenue for third party fundraising events.
  6. Event organizers are responsible for obtaining all permits and liability waivers especially those for raffles and/or sporting-type events. Event organizers must obtain their own liability insurance to cover the event.
  7. The Pride Center of WNY is not financially liable for the promotion, planning or execution of third party events. Any promotion of the event must avoid statement or appearance of the Pride Center of WNY endorsing any product, firm, organization, individual or service.
  8. In order to fulfill our own accounting requirements, we request that you provide us the event proceeds within 30 days after the conclusion of the special event/fundraiser. 
After you have reviewed the above guidelines, please complete our online form designed to provide more information about the type of fundraiser/event you are interested in planning. Please submit the completed form prior to any planning of the event. Once the application has been submitted, we will review it and notify you of any questions/concerns/approval. Thank you again for your support of the Pride Center of WNY!